Digital time switch OMRON H5S series:Easier, More Convenient Time Switches, with New 4-circuit Output and Yearly Models in Addition to 2-circuit Weekly Models.
Weekly-yearly timer AUTONICS LE7M-2:
- Various external input functions
- Backlight display with high visibility
- Simple configuration and status monitoring
- Daylight savings time function
LCD weekly yearly time switch HANYOUNG LY7:
- Simple confirm and change of the yearly and weekly prog. set
- Built-in season setting function
- Possible to add the yearly program to the weekly program
- Yearly holiday setting available
Digital timer switch PANASONIC TB62 series:
- Standard housing 35 x 90 x 61mm in line with DIN 43880 - 2 TE.
- Two models: 1-circuit and 2-circuit types.
- Switching function: ON - AUTO - OFF.
- Minimum switching interval: 1 minute.
LCD weekly yearly time switch HANYOUNG LY4:
- Simple confirm and change of the yearly and weekly prog. set
- Built-in season setting function
- Possible to add the yearly program to the weekly program
- Yearly holiday setting available
Digital time switches THEBEN SIMPLEXA 178 top:
- Astronomical time switch with weekly program.
- 1 channel.
- Offset for adjusting of sunrise and sunset times.
- Screw terminals (4 mm²).
- 42 memory locations.
Compact digital week year timers Autonics LE365S-41
Compact digital week year timers (discontinued) AUTONICS LE365S-41:
- Easy to check and change the program setting
- Customizable weekly or yearly unit time setting and control by user